Business Startup: Intake Form


Please submit the following information via the below online form, which is encrypted with SSL to help ensure the data you enter is secure.




Business Information

Please enter the desired full legal business name including punctuation and the entity suffix (LLC, Inc., etc.)
The name the business goes by other than its legal name, if applicable.

Business Address*

Will this a professional business organization? If a business will primarily be offering professional services (those provided by doctors, dentists, veterinarians, engineers, architects, accountants, attorneys, etc.), it must be set up as a professional entity.
What type of professional services will be offered?
Please list each person's address and title in the business next to their name.
The registered agent may be any owner or officer of the company.

Registered Office Address*

The registered office may be any physical address in Kentucky (not a P.O. Box).

Approximate date the business started or will start at this location.
General description of what the business does, or which industry it is in.
Products sold in Kentucky, if applicable.
Did you acquire the business from a previous owner?
Do you have other businesses in Kentucky?
If the business is a LLC and you did not file an election to change the method of federal taxation, it is taxed as a Sole Proprietorship if there is only one owner and a Partnership if there are multiple owners.
The responsible party controls, manages, or directs the applicant entity and the disposition of its funds and assets. The IRS describes it in greater detail here: The responsible party may be an individual, in which case we will need the individual’s full name and social security number. We will not use the responsible party's social security number for any other purpose and will keep it strictly confidential. The responsible party may be another business entity, in which case we will need the business’ name and EIN.
The responsible party's SSN or EIN.
Does the business have employees?
Do you have or expect to have any employees who will receive W-2 forms in the next year? W-2 forms are Wage and Tax Statements issued by an employer to his or her employees showing taxes (federal income tax, Social Security, Medicare) deduced from their pay. The vast majority of businesses with employees must file W-2s. See an example of a W-2 here:
Have you registered with the local building or zoning inspector?
Please include any additional information you would like our attorneys to know.
Our team may review the information you provide for the purposes outlined on this website. However, using this form to communicate with us doesn’t mean we’re entering into any legal engagement with you.